Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Needing you

I don't want to
But I do
I can't help it
I need you

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the shelter that I seek
Without you I fall asleep

I need you
To be my sunshine
I need you
To hear my whines
I need you
For you I pine
I need you

You are my refuge from the storm
You are my rock when the seas roar
You are my tower when I feel small
You are my eagle with whom I soar

I need you for comfort
I need you for love
I need you to hug and to hold
I need you to smile and be bold

I need you
But you don't need me
I'm sorry
What am I supposed to do?


Thursday, 26 July 2007

May she

May she
Never grow sick of cotton candy
Never tire of cheerful smiles
Never not have a tissue handy
Never again feel down

May she
Never lose her sense of fun
Never have a tummy-ache
Never ever come to harm
Never live for life's sake

Rather may she
Always know that she is loved
Always show her dimples
Always turn up when dinner's served
Always have no wrinkles

May she
Always fear nothing in life
Aways love the truth
Always (ok, maybe just sometimes) win her arguments
Always have a front tooth

May her
Yes be yes
And her best beat the rest
May her sunny zest for life never dim

May she love and know love
And give and receive joy
May she always go to bed contented
And her dreams make her smile

May she be happy always


*for my sister on her birthday =)

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Observations of people

My three weeks here have made me realise more personalities than I'd care to know. Nevertheless, it's still amazing to see and interact with such a plethora of different personalities. First I'll introduce my roommate, Fiona, she's the most amazing girl ever, humble,smart, nice. Some other people I don't know but would really want to know more. Some weird( in my perspective) that I'd rather avoid yet would love to understand. People who look too highly upon themselves. People who put others down. People who talk to much. People who don't talk enough. People giving opinions without knowing what they're talking about. People who know but keep to themselves. Which are you? I wanna know you, I'll try not to judge. We're all here, finding ourselves, know it or not. You say you've found yourself? I don't think so.

So I challenge myself, to not judge or hold anyone in contempt. Learn from them. Know them. Understand them. "Wisdom is knowing you don't know anything"


*not an original Edenia post


New day, new things to see and do
Yet the feeling I should do something
Or not do something
Pervades me

What is it that I ought to do?
I don't know
What is it that I shouldn't do?
I don't know either
But the feeling remains
And I'm clueless

Should I say something instead?
But what is there to say?
And to whom?
That feeling's there too
And I'm clueless

For every action
Or inaction
Consequences follow
Guilt comes
I dread the consequences
I seek advice


*not an original Edenia post

Flag of Shame

I cry
When I think of it
I die
When I touch it
I'd rather fart in public than be seen with it
What could be worse?
Flag of shame

Oh flag of shame
Oh so divine
Ever Loving,
Tender flag
Oh flag of shame
Oh so divine
That makes
Angels cry

No face
Shame, shame, shame

-Nathanael Jaboh & Ivan Tan-

*not an original Edenia post. The song was created to make fun of a team's flag in a recent camp. But it's interesting in that "flag" can be replaced with almost any other noun. For example:

I cry
When I think of you
I die
When I touch you
I'd rather fart in public than be seen with you
What could be worse?
Friend of shame

Oh friend of shame
Oh so divine
Ever loving
Tender friend
Oh friend of shame
Oh so divine
That makes
Angels cry

Man, that's insulting. LOL!

Monday, 23 July 2007


I'm afraid, I don't wanna let you know,
Of the distance that will seperate us,
Not the physical distance,
but..the tears I could not catch,
The moments I cannot share.

What I am afraid will separate us,
Are not the oceans, the mountains,
But not being with you,
When you need me most,
To be your shoulder, your ear, your hand.

But you will always have my heart,
And I yours,
For I still, and always will,
Feel your joy, your pain, your anger.

You are mine, and I'm yours..forever.


*Not an original Edenia poem. Taken from miss89-claire.blogspot.com *wink wink* =)

P/s I love you.


For my sake
shut up.

All I want
Is to be somewhere
other than in the middle.

And you know
how much it pains me
when you talk about it
when you laugh about it
when you're excited about it.

Because I cannot
fall for your
every claim.
Not anymore.
Consider my feelings
for a change
And all I'm asking for
is your silence
on this matter,
perhaps forever.

Look beyond
my smouldering glare,
Can't you see
my aching heart
present there?
I care
but too much to pretend.
Find someone else
to be your best friend
And leave me alone.

And maybe someday,
we'll be okay


Friday, 20 July 2007


"Istaraela! Hear me! It is true, what the rumours say. A Wraith army is on the march, and is heading towards Istaraela. It is an army bigger than anything the world has ever seen, and it is bent on only one thing: our destruction. Believe me when I say that we have a difficult time ahead of us."

"But why am I telling you this, you ask? Because I see in you, the same fear that would take the heart of me! Yet I stand here before you, truthfully, unafraid! Why?! Because I believe in something you do not?! NO!! But instead because I know that I am here not because of the path that lies before me, but the path that lies behind me! I know that for one thousand years, we have been at war with these Wraiths. I know that for one thousand years, they have sent their armies to destroy us. And after one thousand years, I know that which matters most: WE ARE STILL HERE!!!"

"Tonight, let us send a message to this army. Let us shake these walls and make this place resound with our defiance! Let them know, that this is Istaraela, and WE ARE NOT AFRAID!!!"


Adapted from the film The Matrix Reloaded.

My cry

I cry out
For guidance
For purpose and direction
For assurance

I scream
At the unknown
As if I could make it go away
With the sound of my voice

I fall on my knees
And humble myself
Ready, waiting,

I steady myself
But mistakes scare me
For I am still
Only human

But when I turn
I smile
And laugh sarcastically

For no matter what was
Or is
Or will be

I am already here



"Liar! Filthy liar! How could you!" she screamed. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the blood seeping out from a badly cut lip. Her eyes were swollen, her hair bedraggled. She looked like she had just come from a battlefield.

I did not know what to say.

"Tell me what she said isn't true. Tell me! Tell me!!"

I looked at the ground and kept my silence. Nothing I could say would change what had happened. I was guilty all the same.

So she slapped me. Hard. I reeled back, my head ringing.

"So its true, huh. You just couldn't be bothered to tell me. Or maybe you just didn't want me to know?" She was no longer screaming, but her eyes were crying bloody murder. With her silent fury a wave of shame swept over me, my guts threatening to ice up.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? You're SORRY??!!" She slapped me again, harder. "Is that all you can say? You lie to me for three bloody years, and all you can say is SORRY?!"

I couldn't stand it anymore. I grabbed her hands before she could strike again.

"And what would you rather have had me do, lass? Told you?!"


I looked at her pointedly. She looked back furiously, fustrated. "Damn it, you could have at least... At least...."

"At least what?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know! Said something! Done something! Anything!"

"You know I couldn't."

She collapsed, weeping. "Then why now, why now when tomorrow you'll be gone?"

I smiled bitterly. "I'm not the one who told you, was I?"

Silent, she sobbed, her face in her hands.

I knelt before her, and lifted her face with my hand. Her tear-streaked face, lovely with emotion. Her liquid eyes looked into mine, so deep I felt myself falling into them.

I touched her swollen lips with my finger. "At least now you know," I whispered.

She smiled, and teardrops fell.

"At least now I know."

Thursday, 19 July 2007


My master took me to the training grounds and clearly said to me:
"Do not move from this spot until I come back."

I had no choice but silently nod and obey his orders. With that, he left to tutor his students on the art of riding the great beasts.

"He's gone!" I exulted under my breath when my master finally disappeared from sight. Now, I must quickly awaken my beast and train as well.

I touched her red hide, and I summoned her to consciousness.
She made a low rumble, her powerful self coming alive.

"Unto me, you mount, my humble master," she beckoned.

I smiled with pride at that title. I nimbly got onto her comfortable back.

"Are you prepared, master?" she asked.

"Ready as always," I answered.

She roared proudly and took off. Oh, the vast amount power she has! I felt the wind beat against me as she soared at a moderate speed.

"Slow down, please," I said.

"As you wish, master," she said softly with a shot of disappointment in her voice.

I practised turning and making unthinkable swerves with my wonderful steed.

Finally, she bellowed, "Master, allow me to unleash my strength!"

A sudden wave of fear rippled through my body. "But I..." I began to retort.

But she interrupted me mid-sentence. "Master, you must trust me. I am your mount, and you must learn to rely on me."

After a few moments of indecision and hesitation, I replied, "And so I shall. I trust you. Unleash it then!"

She roared triumphantly and power surged through her body. We gained speed and we zoomed through the air. The unspeakable amount of power effused into me - then we were one mind.

Faster, faster! Let's go faster!

We sped past trees and mountains, yawing left and right at breakneck speed. I began to laugh uncontrollably as I savoured the thrill of the ride.

"JAVIER!!!" my master screamed at me.

Sadly, I had to sever the connection between my steed and I. My master took the wind out of our sails.

"Get off now!" my master began admonishing me. "Didn't I tell you to stay at the shed? You're going to get it once we get back to the castle!"

I quickly stopped my mount and got off her back.
"I'm so sorry, I have to leave now," I thought, and sent the thought to my mount.

Goodbye, my Yamaha SR-V.


I was talking about the motorbike I use for practice at the driving institute, in case you still don't know. xP

Wednesday, 11 July 2007


"Why have this conversation Asheroth?" complained BenGarth.

"Because what I believe in, is true - and what you believe in, is false," replied Asheroth. "So, I wanna make you believe the truth and not those lies you claim to be truth."

BenGarth sighed. "You know I won't change my mind. We've been on this topic for Ages already. It's not getting anywhere; let's just drop this."

"That's not an excuse for me to stop. It's my responsibility to change you, and I take responsibilities seriously, especially when they're mine."

BenGarth sighed again. "You won't give up, and neither will I. So it's a dead end. Why don't we talk about something else?"

Asheroth sipped his tea. He shrugged.

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Alpha, not omega.

*not an original Edenia post

I am from.....

I am from thunderstorms, from C. Steinbert, from verdant fields dotted with wildflowers and shy grass.

I am from the white parsonage next to the church surrounded by pine trees rustling in the breeze. I am from the rainbow God paints so beautifully, the zig-zagged paths of the dragonflies, the little flower that opens, the little bird that sings. I am from the fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar, the great twilight moths and the fireflies in the evening. From the sunset that sets the sky aflame, from frangipanis that looked divine tucked in little girls’ hair.

I am from the tinkling piano, doodles with Crayola crayons and cuddling with a good book till the lights go out. I am from toothless grins, twirling skirts and plaited hair. From enchanting fairy princesses and starlit nights and fantasizing about marrying my prince someday.

I am from jump-rope and smooth stones and playing hopscotch until recess is over. I am from the delightful set of swings hanging from chains and bike rides (with no hands!) and lego bricks. I am from trees growing in your stomach if you swallow the seeds and a bit of dirt.

I am from family gatherings potluck style, praying for parking spaces and pillow fights. I am from Sunday evenings spent with cousins hiding-and-seeking, monopoly and straying about the wild outdoors.

I am from churchgoers and readers and musicians, from Ho Hon and Mary and Michael and Adeline and Ben and Fiona. I am from inquisitive minds, and skilled hands, and loving hearts. From a tidal wave of love and laughter.

I am from Christmas Eve at my grandparents’ house – sparkling little faces so full of joy and the table arrayed with a glorious feast and gifts piled waist high and carols emanating from strong vibratos with heart-filled gratitude for the Bethlehem babe.

From “Jesus loves me this I know” and “don’t wear that, it’s indecent”.
From “we only expect you to do your best” and “all things work together”.

I am from Christians who trust God and follow Him in spite of the heartaches and difficulties life throws at them. From bedside prayers, and giving thanks for the food, and praying for tummy aches to go away.

I am from the grandma who snuck in a baby bottle for me (with some gentle persuasion from my part) when mum announced it was high time I stopped drinking from it. From baking sessions with my grandmas whilst listening to their quaint talk about stories of the past. From fishing trips to Matang, and learning how to sow seeds, and building castles by the seaside. From mummy’s exquisite smoking dresses, and daddy’s ambrosial dishes, and grandpa’s poetry as deep and lush as trumpet bells.

I am from caring for a most beloved sister, late nights of Barney and musicals.
From lovable destructo spaniels and wet puppy kisses.

From white-paged photo albums where precious pictures were placed with loving hands, and family and faith were valued above all the rust-gathering trinkets that any amount of money could buy.

-Abigail Yong-

*Abby, if you're reading this, I hope you don't mind a lil' bit of plagiarism here. *wink* But its just too good.

Sunday, 8 July 2007

The beauty of silence.

Silence is Loud

She looked at him
and looked away.
Time froze.
He sensed a sadness,
a mystery.
And he knew
she wouldn't tell,
not for now.

He didn't know
what to say,
but stood beside her
And it mattered
the whole world
to her.

Because a silence
can speak
a thousand words.



Let me
Hug away your unshed tears
Stifle all your dread and fears
Care for you in that special way
Only a true friend can.

Help me
Fathom what you are feeling
Understand the meaning
Behind your loud silence
The pressure to be man.

Count on me
To be there for you
when I don't know what to say
When words fail anyway
Will my presence do?

And don't thank me,
My friend
Because I thank you.


Saturday, 7 July 2007

Part of something else

"I heard a nice story the other day," he says. He closes his eyes for a moment and I wait.

He is dying.

"Okay. The story is about a little wave, bobbing along the ocean, having a grand old time. He's enjoying the wind and the fresh air- until he notices the other waves in front of him, crashing against the shore."

"'My God, this is terrible,' the wave says. 'Look what's going to happen to me!'"

"Then along comes another wave. It sees the first wave, looking grim, and it says to him, 'Why do you look so sad?'"

"The first wave says, 'You don't understand! We're all going to crash! All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn't it terrible?'"

"The second wave says, 'No, you don't understand. You're not a wave, you're part of the ocean.'"

I smile. He closes his eyes again.

"Part of the ocean," he says. "Part of the ocean." I watch him breathe, in and out, in and out.

Part of something else.

-Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom-

*not an original Edenia post

Thursday, 5 July 2007


He was drawn by her eyes.

Huge and liquid in the moonlight, they we're full of passion. And anger. And despair.

She roared.

Stretching her six-foot long frame, the white tigress leaped at him. And clanged against the metal bars.

Majesty and beauty, caged.

Her eyes, her eyes...

He crept forward.

Lifting the lock, the key glinted.

She watched, silently.

Her eyes, her eyes.

The latched lifted noiselessly. The door opened with a clang.

Padding softly out, she turned to him.

Her eyes, her eyes.

A soft growled escaped her throat.

He couldn't help but reply with a growl.

She stiffened, almost smiled. Then, with a leap and a bound, she was gone.

A cry of alarm pierced the silence. Shouts sliced through the calm of night.

An arm landed on his shoulder and shook him violently. A hand slapped him across the cheek.


"Her eyes. Her eyes..."


"She needed to be free."

A roar shattered the darkness.

She was free.

Valentine's Day

My insides all turn to ash
So slow
And blew away as I collapsed
So cold
A black wind took them away
From sight
And held the darkness over day
That night

And the clouds above moved closer
Looking so dissatisfied
But the heartless wind kept blowing

I used to be my own protection
But not now
'Cause my path has lost direction
A black wind took you away
From sight
And held the darkness over day
That night

And the clouds above moved closer
Looking so dissatisfied
And the ground below grew colder
As they put you down inside
But the heartless wind kept blowing

So now you're gone
And I was wrong
I never knew what it was like
To be alone

On a Valentine's Day


A very very sad song. Written and performed by Linkin Park. I'll see if I can find the song - I'll put it up in the sidebar.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

A letter from a friend

Dear May,

I won't ask how you were recently, because I know. Shocking, isn't it, the state our world is in? By anyone's standards, you're very slow. Honestly, I can't say I'm very surprised, seeing how well I know you.

I'll try to be a little less harsh on you. Girl, the problem with you is that you seem to know everything - but only in theory. You tend to avoid accepting cold, hard facts. You give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Learn that not everything is subjective, and whether or not you ignore a certain fact, it remains a fact. There will always be murders, rapes and homosexuality - more than you think you know of. Don't try to understand why, you never will.

Life is good for you, and people around you play fair most of the time. Sure, some do take advantage of you, and I can't say it's solely their fault, because obviously, you let yourself be preyed upon. No big deal. Wait till you grow up and meet people from all walks of life, some who will shamelessly shirk and act like they couldn't care less anyway (and get paid for it at the same time). Some who will take pride in mere mediocrity - although again, a person like you will never be able to understand why.

You build up a concrete little world around yourself, hoping that life will continue on like a fairy tale. Sorry to burst your bubble, but girl, bad things also happen to good people, and all too often, life is dictated by unforeseen external circumstances. It won't work to plan your life in detail, since life never goes according to plan. If you don't learn to adapt and let go of your idealistic ideas of people in general, you'll probably suffer a nervous breakdown. It's a jungle out there.

The bottom line is, it's high time you took off those rose-coloured spectacles you view the world with. Stop being so gullible. Your sarcasm might fool some into thinking you're wise, but underneath, both of us know that you're hopelessly idealistic and bound to be disappointed.

Cry some, play some, joke some, love some, trust some, relax some and live life some. There's nothing you can do about the state of the world, and I'd hate to see you become a pessimist, even given these brutal realities. Whatever others might do to you, always remember to live up to God's standards, not man's majority. And if life deals you a harsh blow, at least you're going to heaven. And you'll have a clear conscience. =)

Your alter-ego,

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Go to sleep

Let that wall crumble!

The massive barrier of mortar and stone that stood before Asheroth shattered and crumbled to the floor, causing a storm of dust to temporarily enshroud his surroundings.

"Taste this."

A bolt of white lightning struck Asheroth in the chest. The magician was pushed back.

"Not bad," said Asheroth. "Why don't you try it too?"

He sent back the lightning bolt and his target managed to dodge it at the last minute.
Asheroth cursed under his breath.

"How did you survive that? I'm sure I hit you!" asked Callar, bewildered.

"Now, how did you survive that?" replied Asheroth. "I was sure I wasn't going to miss."

Another bolt of lightning zoomed at Asheroth. The magician was again thrown backwards by the impact of the lightning strike.

"Got you," said Callar.

"Cut the crap boy," said Asheroth. "I wonder where you get all that confidence from..."

Callar's eyes bulged in disbelief - he would not have believed it if he had not seen it for himself. His opponent had caught the lightning bolt with his bare hand. It looked harmless presently - it looked like an orb floating in his hand.

"Hey, snap out of it," said Asheroth. "Now catch."

Asheroth hurled the ball of energy in his hand at Callar. The young magic-user deflected the bolt and it hit a nearby tree, setting it on fire. Energy crackled through the cool night air as smoke billowed.

Lightning Tower!

A gigantic column of blue lightning descended from the sky and struck Asheroth.

Damn, this kid is strong! thought Asheroth as his knees buckled from the attack. He managed to erect a shield in time, and he was struggling to hold it up. After a few moments, the attack subsided.

"Impressive," complimented Asheroth. "What's your name?"

"Callar, son of James."

"James of the White Cane?" asked Asheroth in surprise.

"Yes," said Callar.

Lightning Tower! Second Strike!

This time, two columns came down upon Asheroth. Each column was thicker and heavier. The attack slowly dissolved Asheroth's shield and finally, the lightning bolts broke through.

Then it was quiet.

"Pity I didn't get your name, sir," regretted Callar.
He was about to leave when he heard Asheroth's voice.

"It's Asheroth."

Callar looked to his left and was terribly shocked to see Asheroth leaning on a tree with a relaxed expression.

"It took me a few years to perfect that clone of mine," muttered Asheroth with a small hint of irritation in his voice. "He was my favourite... Oh well..."

Callar began collecting energy again to prepare for an attack.

"It was pretty rude of you, Callar, to attack me before I introduced myself," said Asheroth as his face turned grim.

Asheroth's hand went into his cloak and he extracted a round object.

Lightning Coil!

Callar generated a large coil of lightning around Asheroth and began to tighten it. Asheroth threw the object in his hand to the floor. It cracked and glowed. Immediately, the lightning coil disappeared.

Without a moment's hesitation, Callar began collecting energy for another attack. However, he could not grasp any energy strands - it was as if the place had become totally devoid of arcane energy.

Then he realised that the object Asheroth threw to the floor was the cause of it. It seemed to absorb arcane energy very quickly. He was rendered powerless. And the only option left was to run...


"Wait, this means you can't use magic either," said Callar as he drew his sword and advanced cautiously towards Asheroth.

"Wrong," said Asheroth. "Now, be a good boy and go to sleep."

Air Blast!

A ball of compressed air flew at Callar and hit him in the head, knocking him out cold.

Asheroth grunted. "I expected more."

"Yes, so did I."

"Oh, you were here after all, Lady Es-Qara."

"This boy, so young," she commented. "And he doesn't even know about the Power Within yet. But he's here on a mission."

"True," agreed Asheroth. "Something serious is going on. And, we must get to the bottom of this soon. Not knowing what's going on - it's starting to irritate me."

Es-Qara sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Shall I get the guards?" offered Es-Qara. "I don't think you want to carry him all by yourself."

"Oh, that's not necessary. We can teleport, can't we?"

Es-Qara smiled slightly. "I don't think King Crydan can take anymore of your popping out of thin air."

"I'll be careful," retorted Asheroth with a smug expression.

"I wonder what the King is going to say about the wall you brought down."

Asheroth's smug expression disappeared. "I had a good reason to do it."

Then the three people vanished.


Because the world ain't ending
Because you're still breathing
Alive and kicking

Because there's nothing to frown about
Not when life is for the living
Even when clouds block the sunshine

And your troubles will seem smaller
While blessings loom ever larger
As even suffering has its lessons

Because life should not be upside down
Nor should freedom be bound
By yesterday

When you can't take it any longer
When you're about to fall
When despair roars
And darkness calls

And laugh in the world's face


Monday, 2 July 2007

Happy birthday Mummy



'Twas on this day
45 years ago

You were born.

I thank you
For your


I cannot thank you enough

My gratitude is never as much
As your endless love for me

Thank you Mummy
Happy birthday Mummy

Cries of a brother

My dear Jasmine,

Hello there… It’s me, your big brother. I’m feeling great – I’ve been doing fine so far. Wonder how you feel…

It’s been a while. I haven’t seen you. I wonder how you like now. We haven’t met each other a really long time already, huh?

I wonder what your favourite colour is. Pink? Or blue? Or would you like black like I do?

I wonder who your favourite singer would be. Justin Timberlake? Adam Levine? Or, me perhaps?

I wonder what your favourite food would be. Mummy’s or Papa’s fried rice? Papa always claims his fried rice is better – but I disagree. What about you? Would you agree with me? I wonder…

I wonder what you would look like now. Tall? Short? Thin? Fat? Long hair or short hair?

Would you like sports? Would you like swimming like the rest of us do?

What would you be like Jasmine? I truly wonder…

Why do I wonder? It’s because I don’t know you. I guess God never wanted to have you born into this world. I really wished I had you. I know you’d be a kind person and you’d always support me when I’m down. Just like right now.

I think a lot about you. I wonder if you think about me. I wonder, I wonder if you’re in heaven right now, listening to my thoughts, with God by your side. I really wonder.

Hope to see you when I get to Heaven in the future. Until then, do be patient, my sister. I’m coming.

P/S It's 2 July today -- Mummy's birthday.

Your brother,



As the rose willing to give out the blood it sheds...

I'd share my blood with you...

Until time comes, we depart...

Our blood shared, shall remain..

As the wind surged...

We shall always be together...

From now till the end of time..

-Joanna Kho-
On the Parting of Friends


Majesty and ferocity.

Danger lurks beneath the surface.


The Magic Ball

-From DeviantArt-

Man, I think I could right an entire novel based on this one picture. =P

Sunday, 1 July 2007

I wish

I wish
I could
Turn back time
Change the past
Do it all over again

I wish
I could
Right the wrongs
Mend the damage
Try again

I wish
I could
Take away the pain
Heal the suffering
Make it stop hurting

I just wish
I could have
Done things differently

But if I had
Would I still be me?

I wonder


Oh, it's love

A very romantic song, in my opinion.
"Oh, It's Love" by Hellogoodbye


Oh, it is love
From the first time I set my eyes up on yours
Thinking oh, is it love?

Oh dear
It's been hardly a moment
And you are already missed
There is still a bit of your skin
That I'm yet to have kissed
Oh say please do not go
When you know you know that i must
Oh say I love you so
You know you know you can trust
We'll be holding hands once again
All our broken plans I will mend
I will hold you tight so you know
It is love from the first
Time I Pressed my hand into yours
Thinking Oh is it love?

Dear, its been hardly three days
And I'm longing to feel your embrace
There are several days
Until I can see your sweet face
Wouldn't it be nice to be older and married with me
Oh say wouldn't you like to know right now that we'll be
Someday holding hands in the end
All our lovely plans will have been
I will kiss you soft so you know
It is love from the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinking Oh is it love?

Your heart may long for love that is more near
So when i'm gone these words will be here
To ease every fear
And dry up every tear
And make it very clear
I kiss you and I know
It is love from the first
Time I set my lips against yours
Thinking Oh is it love?

Oh it is love from the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinking Oh is it love?

I kiss you and I know
It is love from the first
Time I set my lips onto yours
Thinking Oh is it love?

Only Hope

Here's a really spooky song by Switchfoot. It also happens to be the OST of "A Walk To Remember". And Mandy Moore has her own inferior version.


There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write
over and over again
I'm awake and in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and
over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope

Sing to me of the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have
for me over again

I give You my apathy
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back


I feel a stab of guilt
Deep in my heart
The pain seeps through my core
Like poison

The agony incapacitates me
I crumble
All that I can do
Is regret

I have failed
I have failed you
I have wronged you

O Brother
Forgive me
For I have taken you for granted
Though an apology
Does not suffice
An apology
You deserve still

O Brother
I thank you
For are kind and gentle
Though words
Do not suffice
You deserve still

Through all these years
You have stood by me
I stand by you

Though I am powerless
I stand by you
'Til the end.