Thursday, 21 April 2011

You and Me

It's like a
worn-out tee,
not much variety.
Frayed threads,
easily snapped,
a little holey
here and there.
But it's comfy,
Just what I'd wear.

I don't have to put on airs
You know me.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Thinking Of You

Pitter-patter of raindrops…
On the window ledge
Faraway whooshing of cars
driving into puddles
They used to walk in the rain
Skipping along hand in hand
A gentle lip-lock
Wet smiles and shivering giggles
Hair glistening underneath
the shimmering curtain of
grey-tinted showers
Sleepy growling
The skies threaten to
pour on this land
Mouse cursor blinking
I read these lines
I wonder if I’m on
your list.

Friday, 8 April 2011

The Prerogative of Pain

I lash out

to cope

for dictate emotions

uncontrollable actions.

I gloat at your distress,

flinch at your lack

of remorse,

angered that retribution

doesn’t make

a difference

to the hole in my soul.

Every lash becomes

a backlash

but I cannot


(Something I wrote a while ago and posted in my blog. Just exploring the extremes of rage.)