May the blessings of heaven continue to pour into your life overflowing, and may life be abundant with returns. Your distant brother once again writes you a letter.
I heard that you are leaving. It pains me deeply to have received the news. Honestly, I wish for you to continue staying in Aedila, where it is safer. But this time, I have no say over your decision. You are a woman now, and you have the right to do what you feel is right. I must say I am awfully proud that you took up the challenge to be our messenger. But then again, I am worried for your safety.
The journey ahead of you is filled with numerous perils, and I can only pray that you keep your wits about you and stay safe. Never forget what Father has taught you. His teachings will help you survive the journey up north. Avoid Kramr's Valley - it's filled with mountain wolves this time of year. Go into the City of Garoth under the guise of a mercenary. You should be able to slip pass the emperor's bounty hunters quite easily.
Once you're in Crydan's kingdom, seek him. Do not neglect diplomacy and courtesy and etiquette. Persuade him, slowly gain his trust and bring reinforcements to our battlefield.
Try not to die, dear sister. You are the rebels' only hope. Our prayers go with you, and may the gods speed you.
And one last thing, make sure you remember to always clean your sword before you sheathe it.
Your comrade and brother,
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