Friday, 9 February 2007


So it turns out that this blog is slowly becoming an avenue for practising our prowess at writing poems....

I would love to grace this blog with a story but currently I'm still pretty overwhelmed by certain unforeseen "preoccupations".

So allow Jia Wern and I to just put poems here instead. ;P


The sky blushes
As the Sun rises from His slumber

All the clouds admire Him
As He reaches out to tickle the sleeping

The resting awaken
And greet His bright face

Darkness flees in reverence
As His glare penetrates

The Sun steps forth
With grace and elegance

In all His beauty
He blesses the land

The mountains bow in awe
The waterfalls roar their salutations

The little birds flutter near Him
Even the butterflies have no fear

Time does its job
It comes - He leaves
He returns to His lair

Slowly the darkness returns
Once again it reigns

The lords of the night
Resume their thrones

Blackness permeates the sky
And only the Moon

Is evidence of His existence

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