Tuesday, 13 February 2007


Uncertainty currently reigns unchecked.
Noble and ignoble questions and answers rage through my mind.
I wonder, I wander, I search but do not find.
Some things are meant to be esoteric, I guess.
Maybe they keep us humble.
But still I think of all the unanswered questions with rancor.
Is there ever a right answer?
Even the answer to that question may not be the right answer. Who knows?
But somewhere,
Knowledge slumbers.
Meaning, purpose, a semblence of order...
Somewhere someone knows the answers.
Or do they?
Is it possible that some questions were never meant to be answered?
Can it be that even God doesn't know why he exists?
Now THAT borders close to blasphemous.
Or does it?
How can one be blasphemous if one does not understand who God is?
We THINK we know,
but God wouldn't be God if we could understand him, don't you agree?

Cogito, ergo sum.
I think, therefore I am.
But when I do not think, am I still me?
When I am no longer able to reason,
Won't I still be me?

Somebody tell me!
Why does the universe exist?
Does it exist just to satisfy the whim of a Creator?
Or is life and reason the purpose of existence?
The applause for the Big Bang was only heard 15 billion years after it happened.
But why would the Big Bang want to be applauded?

What if there's no purpose to this world?
What if life doesn't have a meaning?
What if there's no such thing as a soul?
What if it all ends when you die?
And there's no heaven and hell?

Why are you so certain of what you believe in?
Faith cannot exist without doubt.
And faith is what this life needs.
Faith that it'll all make sense someday.

But faith without purpose is meaningless.
Did the chicken come before the egg, or the egg before the chicken?
Did Life come before Purpose, or Purpose before Life?
One may even ask,
Did God come before Man, or Man before God?

Doubt is good, I believe.
Without doubt, there wouldn't be questions.
Without questions, there wouldn't be answers.
Ah, but then again,
Did the questions come before the answers, or the answers before the question?

Maybe there are two sides to a Mobius ring.
Just that somewhere in between they become one.
Why do people ask questions?
Because we are people, I guess.
The hallmark of the human being is curiousity and reason.
But human beings do not have all, or indeed any, of the answers.
The answers are inherent to the universe.
Or are they?
Who decided that 1+1=2?
Who decided that gravity pulls instead of pushes?
Who decided that the quanta is the smallest possible unit of light?
Who decided that nuclear reactions release, not absorb, energy?
Who decided that nuclear reactions could happen at all?
Why are the hydrogen bonds at a 105 degree angle to the oxygen in water?
Why are electrons charged negative?
Who has all the answers to the universe?
Are things the way they are because they are the way they are, and always have been and always will be?
Or is there a Master Designer?
An Architect, maybe?
Can reason ever be self-defeating?
Think again.
Then reconsider.

Maybe the questions are more powerful than the answers.

-I'm terrified, Ma'narith, 16th year of King Zervan.

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