Monday 31 December 2007


"What does it mean to 'be in love'?" I'd ask first. "Say that he and you were in one of those either/or situations. Both of you stranded on a little bit of rock which is slowly being engulfed by the incoming tide. And while you're standing there watching the water rise, an old man in a canoe or a kayak pulls up and offers to save one of you. Only one, mind you. The other would have to stay out there and drown. Would you gladly and even gratefully watch him being rowed to safety as the water rose to your chest? Would you wave with a bright smile on your face? Or would love demand that both of you would have to refuse the old man's offer so you'd drown out there together with your bodies intertwined..."

"Love? What's complicated about love? You feel happy when you're with the person you love and desolate when you're not. That's all. That's it."

*Not an original Edenia post. Taken from "After Freud" by Mary Elsie Robertson

p/s In short, it's Titanic versus Romeo and Juliet. *chuckles*


Anonymous said...


If two people were in love, I think each wouldn't want the other to die, right? To sacrifice your life for another may be the noblest thing, but BOTH dying? Romantic, maybe, but not very practical. After all, we all know how precious life is. =)

How about: I'd rather die here and watch you escape, but since you're stubbornly insisting that I get into the boat, I will - anything to make you happy. And I'll miss you every single day for the rest of my life...I'd rather miss you, than to have YOU miss me. I'd rather live every other day of my life wishing I'd been the one who died, than to have you be in my shoes.

Tsk tsk. Incurable romantic. Don't tell anyone.XD

On second thought, it sounds more like guilt manipulation to me. XD

Anonymous said...

After Freud? Interesting title.. lol xD

j@Ve said...

i would have said the exact same thing may said.

but it wouldn't be guilt manipulation. xD

oh no.. i'm a romantic..

Anonymous said...

Hey, even if it WERE guilt manipulation, at least I'd get the other to jump into the boat and live. XD

Now that I think of it, which is the worse choice huh? Die or live in pain?

I think living in pain takes more courage than dying. After all, people commit suicide, right? To live for a person is much harder than dying for a person. =P

jw3rn said...

That's very interesting. "To live for a person is much harder than dying for a person." And right you are.

Lol. How romantic indeed.